

    Kendriya Vidyalaya No.2 Cuttack is a new born babe with a dreamy smile that reflects the desire to excel, explore, experiment and innovate. The journey has just begun but every one is ready to face challenges and overcome the hurdles to achieve the seemingly unachievable. KV No.2 Cuttack came in to being on August 25, 2010 with the divine blessings of God and the blessings of Sri Kishore Kumar Mohanty, Collector and District Magistrate and Sri Jyoti Prakash Das IAS, Director Govt Press. We aim at creating a tradition of excellence that will pave the way towards a sound physical, intellectual and spiritual base to build the super structure of man making education and redeeming the Hope of mankind. We promise nothing but we will strive hard to create every thing that a child dreams of in a school set up.